Saturday, January 17, 2009

Saturday's Thoughts - The Snake is Slowly Leaving

Since it's Saturday I thought I would just blog....whatever that means. On our ski trip we had many injuries and sicknesses. We had planned and prayed about this trip for this for so long that it came as a surprise when we were attacked so heavily. I don't know why we were surprised since our enemy HATES us. (The feeling is very mutual.) So, Dave and I determined not to let him get us down. We prayed and layed hands on Daniel, and Dave's knee and that night I had a dream. I was laying on my side and my lower body was curled up in a box. I looked down and there was a huge snake curled on top of my knees. As I watched it slowly uncoiled and left. It never bit me and I was only a little afraid. After all, he was leaving.
I told everyone my dream the next day. Daniel, Josh, Dave, Charm, and I had all had knee problems on the trip. How appropriate was the dream since the snake was on my knees. I felt like the Lord was slowly delivering us from this curse.
Yesterday, Dave went to the Dr. to see about his knee since he was in pain when he turned his knee a certain way. We just knew he would have to have surgery. The Dr. said he tore his ekgh9islenkcme9j and it would heal itself in about 6 weeks!!! I call that "the snake slowly leaving"! We were ecstatic! I went to the Chiropractor because we were rear-ended the day before we left for Colorado and he is working on my neck and back. I feel better than before I had the wreck. God is putting everything back in its place. I am so grateful. What the Devil plans for bad, God turns for good, everytime....if you have eyes to see.
Lord, thankyou for your loving care and kindness. You never cease to amaze and captivate me with your love.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Go, God! He is so awesome. We do well to place our trust in him!