Saturday, January 3, 2009

Saturday's Devo - Pentecost is Costly

Read 1 Sam. 12 -
Samuel is old and gives one last warning to the people about the king they asked for. He reminds them that as their prophet, he never once cheated them or received a bribe. Then he takes the people through the history lesson of their past. He reminds them of all the times they sinned, were given over to their enemies, called out to God, and God delivered them from their enemies. The OT cycle. Even though they have asked for a king, if they obey the voice of the Lord, then, they and the king will follow the Lord.
He reminds them of the season they are in: wheat harvest, which means Pentecost. On the first Pentecost God spoke to his people from Mt. Sinai with thunderings and lightnings and thick smoke and a loud trumpet. All the people were afraid. On this first Pentecost God betrothed himself to the Jewish nation.
In the New Testament on the day of Pentecost, God sent a sound from heaven like a mighty wind. Cloves of fire were on their heads. God rained down his Holy Spirit and every man's mouth became a trumpet, as he proclaimed God in the people's languages. On this Pentecost, God betrothed himself to the Church.
On the day Samuel called out to God, he sent thunder and rain so that they could perceive and see how great their wickeness was for asking for a king. All the people were afraid. The reason why God was so upset with them was that He was their king. Was He not enough? He was allowing them to willfully disobey and it was going to cost them dearly. This thunder and rain was judgment not blessing.
Once again, I am glad I am living in the New Testament. But, with the blessing of the New comes the responsibility of honoring it. God is going to do new things through those who are reaching out and daring to do something new. We have the responsibility of stewarding what God has given us. Lord, do something "new" in our hearts. Give us holy boldness to do something "new" in our lives.

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