Friday, January 23, 2009

Friday's devo - Be a Blessing

Read 1 Sam. 18:5-30
When God's hand of blessing is on a person, everyone eventually notices. God's hand of blessing was definitely on David and everyone saw it. Saul certainly saw it and put David in charge of his soldiers and honored him in front of the people and in his private palace. But when he returned from war and the new song of the day was about how he killed thousands and David ten thousands, he started throwing spears. When he couldn't kill David he started fearing for his kingdom. He knew God's presence had left him and was with David.
So Saul came up with a plan. He would promise his oldest daughter to David and for return David had to defeat Saul's enemies. Surely he would get over- zealous and be killed in battle. (Hadn't Saul learned with Goliath? How quickly we forget God's power.) Being married to the king's eldest daughter would make him a shoe-in for a place of importance in the kingdom. But instead of siezing the opportunity, David went low. He couldn't accept such an honor because he unworthy. So Saul gave his daughter to someone else. But wait! Saul has another daughter, Michal; and Michal loved David. Poor Saul, he lives in a family of David-lovers. So Saul finds an angle...he will let Michal be a distraction to David so when he is out fighting, he will be thinking of love not war. And to motivate him to fight more dangerously, his dowry would be 100 Philistine foreskins. (I can't even let my imagination go there!)
When God's hand of blessing is on a person, there is nothing he can't do. So he gave Saul his foreskins and Saul was obligated to give him Michal.
If we are a child of God then His blessings are on us and should be visible for all to see. It will either draw them to us to be blessed or repulse them to jealousy. God is dealing with both sets of people in His own way and our response should be prayer not stones.

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