Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sunday Afternoon - Black Holes Part 2

After I wrote "Black Holes" I laid down on the sofa and took a nap. I had been thinking about what that hole represented and if it was vain imaginations. I had repented of everything I could think of. I dreamed I was in a house that was suppose to be a house Dave and I had just moved into. (We still had our new house.) It was an older house that needed repairs. I went into the bathroom and the commode was making a lot of noise. It was full of toilet paper and the water was overflowing the tank. I called out to Dave to come see and noticed a water spiket high on the wall that water was gushing out of onto the carpet. I turned it off. Then I looked for something to soak the water up with. I ended up going out the back door. Charm was there and jokingly said, "Her bathroom is full of water and she goes out to get the mail."
I tried to explain why I was going to get mail, even though that didn't make sense to me either, and that I was also going to get something to clean the water up with, but words were not coming out right so I abandoned the explanation. I went out to look in the storeroom. There were 3 of them and they all had boxed picture frames with cool 3-d things inside them. I remember one was black with mostly black things in it. They were like the ones outside the Cinemark that have posters in them of coming movies. These were new and didn't go with the run-down appearance of the house. Charm and I heard some noise and looked on the roof. Dave was on top of the roof with a shovel. He was knocking off these dark green, rotted sheets of plywood. I realized that he was working on the 3rd floor. I didn't know there was a 3rd floor and thought it must be the attic. As he worked the front side of the attic fell off also. Charm and I were going to go around to look at it when Dave woke me up to tell me I had 20 minutes till church started. Thanks Dave!
As I have meditated on this dream I realized that this was the answer to my prayer. I had asked God if my hole in the other dream was vain imaginations. The answer is "yes". This dream has to do with my "old man" since I was in an old house. It started in the bathroom to relate the two. I am being called attention to the toilet where waste is put and it is overflowing on to the ground. I have needed to repent of some things for quite a while since it is now a problem. The water coming out of the wall was another source of destruction, but I immediately turned it off. (Maybe because I repented before the dream.) I did to go get mail (God's revelation on the subject). I saw Dave (God) on the roof casting down the old rotted boards of the attic. The attic has to do with your mind. God was doing a complete renovation of my mind and thoughts. Praise God!!!
Now I need to discover what the boxed pictures were about. Usually pictures have to do with memories. The storehouses were locked so I need to figure out the memories to open the storehouses and recover my things. That is my new prayer. Lord, show me the memories of what I need to forgive or cast down in my life.

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