Monday, January 26, 2009

Monday's Devo - Blessed are the Peacemakers for They Shall be Called the Children of God.

Read 1 Sam 19
Saul has tried to kill David, first with his own spear, then the spear of the Philistines and both times David has prevailed. Now he tries to tell Jonathan and all his servants that they should kill David. Jonathan comes to David's defense and tries to change Saul's heart toward David. He changes his mind for a short time, but not his heart. David gets to come back to the palace until he has to leave for another battle against the Philistines. He is, of course successful and comes back to the palace with even more honor. Saul's evil spirit comes back on him and he tries once again to kill David. David manages to avoid Saul's javelin and runs home. His wife, Michal knows her father and tells David he is not safe here. She sends him away and buys some time with a goat-haired idol she puts in his bed to trick Saul's messengers. It gives him enough time to get to Samuel in Ramah. Samuel had a school where he trained prophets to hear the Word of the Lord and speak it. When Saul found David's where-abouts he sent messengers to Ramah. When they arrived, the Spirit of God fell on them and they prophesied. So Saul sent some more messengers and the spirit of prophesy fell on them and they prophesied. He decided to go himself and when he got there, he stripped off his clothes and prophesied naked all that day and all that night.
So what does this mean to us? If you are in David's shoes and you are being attacked unmeritedly (is that a word?) then flee when it gets too dangerous and let God take care of your enemy. He is great at revenge. If you are Saul and envy has caused you to murder people with your words, then repent. If you refuse to repent on your own, God will humiliate you in front of the very ones you want destroyed. Believe me, you don't want that senario. Hopefully, we are Jonathan, who is the peacemaker. He sees the conflict and chooses to stand up for righteousness, even if it means possible rejection from the one he most needs his blessing from --- his father.

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