Monday, January 19, 2009

Monday's Devo - A New King; A New Heart

Read 1 Sam. 16:1-13
Samuel is lamenting over Saul. Did he annoint the wrong man? Why won't Saul follow God's commands and be a godly king? As he is pondering these things God comes to Samuel and tells him to stop mourning over Saul; God has gone on to his next plan....David. He tells him to go to Jesse and choose one of his sons to be the next king. (Isn't the kingship suppose to be handed down from one generation to the next? That would mean that Jonathan, Saul's son would be up for kingship after Saul.) Jonathan would have been a good pick. He didn't follow after his father and had a different spirit... but God didn't pick him. He chose David, the man after God's heart. God always looks at the heart. Look at the way he chose David. God told Samuel to have Jesse bring all his sons and he would tell Samuel which one to pick. Well, after 7 of his sons pass before Samuel and God says no to all of them Samuel starts to wonder.
"Are these all your sons?"
" No, there is the youngest who is out tending the sheep."
"Go get him."
Jesse sends for David and God says, "Arise, anoint him; for this is the one."
With the anointing came the spirit of God on David.
To me the key verse in this whole reading is in vs. 7: "The Lord doesn't see as man sees, for man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart."
We are all guilty of looking at the outward appearance, after all, it is obvious. God always goes for the hidden, the things that these natural eyes can't see. He said he would give us eyes to see if we asked for them. Better yet, let's ask for a heart after God. He can give us eyes to see what He sees if we have His heart. So, that is what we pray for Lord, a heart after you.


Anonymous said...

I've always thought of God meaning outward physical appearance or even talents and abilities. I believe though, that God is even talking about people who are emotionally ugly on the outside, those who are often biting and sarcastic. Many of these hurting people have hidden qualities that God knows about. We can trust Him to heal these people and bring out their Godly characteristics and can partner with Him and pray.

Ginny's gems said...

Amen, thanks for your insight!