Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Wed.’s Devo - Out of Death Comes Life

Read: 2 Samuel 1:1-2:11; John 12:20-50; Psalm 118:19-20; Proverbs 15:27-28 After Saul died, David spent two days at home in Ziklag. On the third day, an Amalekite arrived who had fought for Saul in the battle with the Philistines. He came to David with dirt on his head to show he was in mourning and with an agenda. *** David asked him about the battle and he explained that Israel was no match for the Philistines. Saul and his two sons were killed and all Israel scattered. *** He said that he came upon Saul when he was dying. Saul begged him to finish him off because he knew he was dying and wanted to be put out of his misery. The man did, then took Saul’s crown and armband and now brought them to David, thinking he would be rewarded. *** David demanded why he thought he had the authority to kill Gods’ anointed. David saw through his manipulations. Instead he was rewarded with the loss of his life. *** Then David wrote a funeral song honoring Saul and Jonathan. David asked the Lord if he should move to Judah and the Lord told him, yes, he should move to Hebron. So he moved his family to Hebron where the people anointed him king over the people of Judah. *** David sent a message to the men of Jabesh-gilead who had buried Saul and thanked them for honoring Saul. He asked them to be a part of his kingdom but the commander of Saul’s army, Abner had already gone to Mahanaim and proclaimed Ishbosheth king over the rest of Israel. Ishbosheth ruled for two years while David ruled Judah from Hebron. David ruled from Hebron for seven years. *** In John, Jesus tried to explain to his disciples the principle of his death and why he had to die. Out of death comes life in his kingdom. They would receive honor if they served him on earth. *** Jesus said that his soul was deeply troubled because he wanted to be saved from this hour, but he knew that this was the very reason he came. *** God spoke and said, “I have already brought glory to my name, and I will do so again.” Many heard what God said, others only heard it as thunder. *** Jesus said that the time to judge had come and Satan would be cast out while he would be lifted up from the earth. He would draw everyone to himself. *** The people were confused, how could he be the Messiah and say he was going to die. Their understanding was that he Messiah would live forever. Jesus said that his light would shine on them just a little longer, meaning that his physical presence would only be with them a short time more. They had their chance to believe while he was standing before him. But, despite all Jesus did to prove who he was, many did not believe. It was just as Isaiah had said, “who had believed our message?” God had blinded their eyes so that they couldn’t see, and hardened their hearts so they couldn’t believe. *** There were many would did believe including some of the Jewish leaders, but they were more afraid of being expelled by the Pharisees, so they did’t speak up. *** Jesus told them, he hadn’t come to judge them but to save them. But, they would be judged one day at the end. *** Lord, may we have eyes to see and a heart to understand. May we walk in the light as you are in the light. We rejoice in what you are doing on the earth.

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