Monday, May 27, 2024

Mon.’s Devo - God’s Judgments are Fair

Read: 2 Samuel 12:1-31; John 16:1-33; Psalm 119:65-80; Proverbs 16:4-5 Nathan came to David and gave him a scenario like what he did to Uriah. He used a lamb, something David could relate to. When David heard the story he was incensed with anger and wanted the rich man killed. Nathan then told him that he was the rich man in the story and that God was very upset that he took Uriah’s wife and then had him killed. Because of this, the child would not live, all of David’s descendants would die by the sword and someone in his own household would sleep with his concubines in public view. *** David repented, but God’s judgment stood. The child he and Bathsheba had became deathly ill and died 7 days later. *** She became pregnant again and had Solomon. God loved this child and changed his name to Jedidiah, which means “loved of God.” *** Joab was fighting at Rabbasb and about to capture the city. He told David to come and lead the last charge so he would get the credit. He did and took the king’s crown. It weight 75 pounds. *** In John, Jesus was having his last conversation with his disciples. He explained how they were going to become enemies of the religious order just like he was. *** Jesus was going back to the Father, but he was sending another Advocate who will convict the world of its sin, of God’s righteousness, and tell of the final judgment. *** When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide them. He will tell them what God is saying and about the future. He will lead him like he did for Jesus. *** The disciples didn’t understand that he was only leaving them for a short time. They would see him again and then he would ascend to his place in glory. The Holy Spirit would then be their guide who would always be with them. *** They could ask God anything using Jesus’ name. He told them to have peace because He had overcome the world. *** Lord, thank you for your discipline and your love. Thank you for giving us the Holy Spirit and your covenant of peace. Thank you that you have overcome the world.

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