Friday, May 24, 2024

Fri.’s Devo - God Establishes David’s Kingdom

Read: 2 Samuel 4:1-6:23; John 13:31-14:14; Psalm 119:17-32; Proverbs 15:31-32 When Ishbosheth heard that his army commander, Abner, was killed, he lost his courage and all Israel became afraid of David. He had two other commanders that led his raiding parties and when they heard about Abner, they plotted to kill Ishbosheth. They went to his house while he was napping and slipped past his sleeping body guard. They killed Ishbosheth, cut off his head and took it to David, thinking it would bring them a reward. *** Instead, David had them put to death for killing an innocent man and buried Isbosheth’s head in Abner’s tomb in Hebron. *** All the tribes of Israel went to submit to David as their king. They anointed him king at Hebron. He was thirty years old and reigned 40 years. He had reighed over Judah for 7 years and Israel for 33. *** David led his men to fight against the Jebusites and they took their city. David called it the City of David and made it his home. David became more and more powerful because God was with him. *** King Hiram of Tyre sent David cedar to build his house. He married many concubines and had eleven more children. *** The Philistines came to attack David and met him in the valley of Rephaim (valley of the giants). The Lord told David not to attack them straight on but to circle around and attack them near the poplar trees which were behind them. *** The wind would blow through the poplar trees and make the sound of a marching army. When they heard that sound, they were to attack. It made it sound like a much larger army was attacking them. Israel struck them down all the way to Gezer. *** David took his 30,000 elite troops to Judah to bring back the Ark of God. They place the ark on a new cart and brought it from Abinadab’s house. Two of Abinadab’s sons, Uzzah and Ahio were walked in front of the ark and David was celebrating before it with songs and musical instruments. *** When they got to the threshing floor of Nacan, the oxen stumbled and Huzzah reached out to steady the Ark. God struck him dead. David was so angry at God for killing Uzzah that he was afraid to bring the Ark any closer to the City of David. He put it at the house of Obed-edom of Gath. It remained there for three months. The Lord blessed everything at Obed-edom’s house because of the Ark. *** David came back but this time he had the priests carry the Ark on their shoulders with the poles like the law said. He offered a sacrifice every six steps. David danced before the Lord with all his might, dressed like a priest. *** As it entered into the City of David, Michal looked out of her window and saw how David danced before the Lord and was embarrassed for him. *** David had the Ark put in the place David had prepared inside the tent. David sacrificed burnt offerings and peace offering to the Lord. He blessed the people and gave them all a loaf of bread, a cake of dates, and a cake of raisins. *** When David returned home, Michal told him how silly he looked dancing in the street. David told her that he was dancing before the Lord who had chosen him to be the king of all Israel and he didn’t care how foolish he looked to the people. Michal remained barren her whole life. *** In John, Jesus had just sent Judas out. He told his faithful disciples that it was time for him to enter into his glory and God would be glorified through him. He gave them a new commandment to love others as he had loved them. *** He told them he was going somewhere they could not go. Peter asked him where he was going. He told them they would be able to meet him later. *** Then, Jesus told them not to worry but to trust in God and his great plan. He was going ahead of them to prepare a place for them to come. Then they could come. *** Thomas asked how they would know the way to where he was. He told them that he was the way, the truth and the life. Now one could come to God except by him. From now on, they would know God because they had seen him. (He was talking about himself.) *** They didn’t understand. Philip asked him to show them the Father and they would be at peace. Jesus answered with a question: “Have I been with you all this time, Philip, and yet you still don’t know who I am?” He told them that if they had seen him, they had seen the Father. *** Jesus said that anyone who believes in him would do the same works that he did and even greater works because he is going to his Father in heaven. We can ask for anything in his name and he will do it. *** Lord, may we do the works you did and even greater to bring glory to your kingdom.

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