Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Tue.’s Devo - Absalom’s Revenge

Read: 2 Samuel 13:1-39; John 17:1-26; Psalm 119:81-96 Proverbs 16:6-7 Absalom had a beautiful sister named Tamar. Her half-brother Amnon thought he was in love with her and thought he had to have her. He thought David would never give her to him, but he was love sick. *** Amnon had a crafty friend named Jonadab who gave him a wicked plan to get him alone with Tamar. Amnon pretended to be sick and asked his father, David if Tamar could come to his house and prepare a meal for him. David agreed, having no idea it was a plot. *** When Tamar had the meal ready, Amnon asked everyone to leave the room except Tamar and asked her to serve him in his bedroom. Innocently, Tamar agreed. When he had her in his room, he raped her. She begged him to stop and go to her father and ask for her hand in marriage. Amnon refused. When he had finished, he hated her as much as he had loved her before. *** David and Absolom found out what Amnon did and were very angry, but David didn’t respond. Absolom looked for the perfect time to get Amnon back. *** Absolom found his opportunity during sheep-shearing season. He always had a huge feast during this time and asked David to it, knowing David wouldn’t come. Then he asked if his Amnon could come. David questioned why he would want Amnon and would only okay it if all the sons went. Surely, they would protect Amnon. *** When everyone got to the celebration, Absolom had told his servants to wait until Amnon was drunk then kill him. They did. *** Word got back to David that Absolom had killed all his sons. David was distraught and tore his robe. Jonadab, Amnon’s crafty friend arrived and told David that it was only Amnon that had died because of what he had done to Tamar. *** All the sons arrived very shook up and mourning the death of their brother. Absalom fled to Geshur, where his mother was from. He stayed there for three years. *** David reconciled Amnon’s death and now longed to see Absalom again. *** Jesus finished his words to his disciples but he now prayed for them. He wanted them to hear how he spoke of them to his Father. Jesus had completed his assignment on earth which was to reveal the Father to the world. Now he was the way back to the Father. *** Jesus was leaving, but his request to God was that He would be with his disciples and all who believed in Him just like he had been with Jesus. He asked God to keep them safe from the evil one just as he had kept him safe from him. Jesus had given himself as a sacrifice for them so that they could be made holy by his truth. *** Jesus also prayed that they be one as he and the Father were one. He wanted us to experience perfect unity so that when the world sees our love for one another, they would know that Jesus was from God. *** Lord, may we experience perfect love for you and others. May our unity affect the world around us and make them jealous to want to know you.

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