Monday, May 20, 2024

Mon.’s Devo - Resurrection and Life

Read: 1 Samuel 26:1-28:25; John 11:1-54; Psalm 117:1-2; Proverbs 15:22-23 David and his men hid in the wilderness of Ziph. Saul took 3,000 men to hunt him down. David found out where Saul and his men were camped and went with Abishai by night to spy. They found Saul and his men fast asleep. David took his spear and his water bottle then went a safe distance away and yelled to Abner, Saul’s commander. *** David woke them up and asked Abner why he didn’t protect Saul. He showed them Saul’s spear and water bottle. David asked Saul again, why he was trying to kill him. What had he done to deserve death? *** Saul confessed he had sinned and begged David to come home where he would not harm him. David didn’t fall for it. He gave Saul his spear. Saul blessed David with success then went back home. *** David knew that Saul would return, so he decided to escape to the Philistines. He took 600 of his men and went to join with Achish, the king of Gath. Achish gave him the city of Ziklag for him and his men to live in. They brought their families to live with them there. *** David and his men would spend their days raiding the Geshurites, Girzites and Amelekites. They would kill everyone in the town so there were no witnesses. When the king asked him where they went that day, he would lie and tell him they had fought the people of Judah. *** The Philistines were planing a war with Israel and King Achish told David that he and his men would be expected to fight with him. David told him he would be glad to join him. Achish told David, he would be Achish’s personal body guard. *** The Philistines set up camp against Israel at Gilboa. When Saul saw how many Philistines there were, he panicked. He asked the Lord what he should do, but God wasn’t answering. Then he decided to ask a medium. Even though he had banned all mediums from the land and didn’t allow them to bring up the dead, his men found a woman who used to be a medium. She lived in Endor. *** Saul disguised himself as a normal man and went to see her. She didn’t want to do it at first, but Saul promised her he would not turn her in. She finally agreed to do it. He told her to bring up Samuel. *** When the lady entered in to the spirit realm she knew immediately that the man was Saul. It scared her, but Saul told her to continue. The familiar spirit of Samuel came up and Saul asked him what he should do. He told him that God had become his enemy and given his kingdom to David. God would hand him over to the Philistines and he and his sons would die. The army of Israel would be defeated. Saul was distraught with fear and hunger. *** The woman got up and made a meal for him and he ate it. Then they left. *** In John, Jesus’ good friend Nazareth was very sick. He was the brother of Martha and the Mary who would later anoint Jesus feet with perfume. *** Mary and Martha sent a message to Jesus telling him about Lazareth and immediately, Jesus told his disciples that his sickness would not end in death. After two days, Jesus said it was time to go and see about Lazareth. His disciples tried to get him not to go since the last time they were in Judah, they tried to stone him. *** Jesus explained that as long as you walk in the light, you are safe. Lazareth had fallen asleep but he was going to go wake him up. He was talking about death. *** When they finally got there, Lazareth had been dead for four days. Martha ran to meet Jesus and told him that if he had been there, Lazareth would not have died. He told Martha that He was the resurrection and the life and anyone who believed in him would never die. He asked Martha if she believed that. She said she did. She went and got Mary and told her that Jesus was there. *** Mary told Jesus the same thing - if he had been there, Lazareth would not have died. Jesus asked to be taken to Lazareth’s tomb. He then told them to roll the stone away. He was angry at death, and sad seeing the people mourning as if there was no hope. *** Jesus looked up to heaven and thanked the Lord for always hearing his prayers. Then he called Lazareth out of the tomb. He came out with his hands and feet bound in grave-clothes. Jesus told them to unwrap him and let him go. They unwrapped death from him. *** Many believed when they saw this, but others went and told the Pharisees and religious leaders of the Temple. They feared that if they continued to let him live, everyone would believe in him. Then the Roman army would come and destroy their Temple and their nation. *** Caiaphas, the high priest prophesied and said, “It is better for you if one man die for the people than for the whole nation to be destroyed.” That was exactly what Jesus was sent to do. *** The religious leaders continued to plot his death. *** Lord, you are the resurrection and the life. You are our hope of salvation.

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