Friday, May 10, 2024

Fri.’s Devo - Only Believe

Read: 1 Samuel 8:1-9:27; John 6:22-42; Psalm 106:32-48; Proverbs 14:34-35 Samuel appointed his sons to help him judge the people but they were dishonest and took bribes. They loved money more than justice. *** The elders of Israel met with Samuel and told him his sons were not like him and he was old and would soon be gone. They wanted him to give them a king to rule over them. *** Samuel was displeased with their request but the Lord told him they were not rejecting him but God. He was to give them their king but first warn them of what this king would do. He would initiate a draft and draft their best men into his army. Some would become generals and captains while others would work his fields, make his weapons and chariots. The king would take their daughters to work for him and take the best land for himself. He would take a tenth of their income for himself and to run his organization. The day would come when they would regret asking for a king. *** The people refused to hear this and still wanted a king, so God told Samuel to give them what they wanted. *** Meanwhile there was a man named Kish from the tribe of Benjamin. He lost some of his donkeys and sent his son, Saul to find them. After three days, Saul and his men had not found the donkeys and were out of food. They planned to return home when one of them suggested they ask the prophet, Samuel. *** Samuel had just arrived to bless the sacrifice for the nation. God told him he was sending him the man who was to be the king. When he met Saul, he invited him to eat with him. He told Saul that he and his family were the focus of all Israel’s hopes. He honored him above everyone there and gave him the best meat. Then he had Saul stay with him that night. When he went to bid him good-bye he asked to speak privately to him and give him a word from God. *** In John, the people remembered seeing Jesus send his disciples across the lake, but couldn’t find him anywhere. They followed the disciples and found him on the other side. When they asked Jesus how he got there, he told them that they came to him because he fed them. They hadn’t understood the meaning behind his miracle. He told them not to be so concerned about the things that are earthly like food, but to spend their energy seeking the eternal life that only Jesus could give them. *** The people said they wanted to work miracles too. Jesus told them what they needed to do was to believe he was sent by God. They asked for a sign to prove this. They said that Moses had given them bread from heaven. Jesus corrected them. God gave them bread from heaven, not Moses. God’s true bread was the bread that comes down from heaven and give life to the world. He was that bread. Anyone who came to him would receive eternal life. The people had a hard time with this. *** Lord, may we not stumble over what we can not understand and be like children and believe you with childlike faith.

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