Thursday, May 23, 2024

Thurs.’s Devo - The Clash of Commanders

Read: 2 Samuel 2:12-3:39; John 13:1-30; Psalm 119:1-16; Proverbs 15:29-30 Today’s reading is about the conflict between Saul and David’s commanders. Saul’s commander was Abner, his cousin. Now that Saul was dead, he was Ishbosheth’s commander. David’s commander was Joab, David’s nephew. *** These two commanders met with their armies at Gibeah and Abner suggested they each pick twelve of their best warriors to face off with each other. Joab agreed. The twelve men each killed their opponent. After this massacre, a fierce battle erupted. Joab had two other brothers who fought in David’s army. The youngest was Asahel who was an extremely fast runner. He took off after Abner who was much older and more experienced in war. Abner didn’t want to have to kill him so he kept telling him to stop chasing him and fight someone else, but Asahel was relentless. Finally, Abner thrust the butt end of his spear through Asahel’s stomach and it went clear through his body and came out his back. *** When Joab and his other brother, Abishai found out what had happened to their younger brother, they set out after Abner. Abner asked for peace and stopped the war for the time. They each went back to their homes. Joab assessed his loss and only 19 of his men had died. Abner had lost 360 of his men, all from the tribe of Benjamin. *** This was only the beginning of a long war between those loyal to Saul and those loyal to David. David’s side grew stronger while Saul’s side grew weaker. *** David had seven sons in Hebron all listed in 3:1-5. *** God was at work increasing David and decreasing the dynasty of Saul. God cause dissension in Saul’s camp. Ishbosheth accused Abner of sleeping with Bizpah, Ishbosheth’s concubine. Abner was so offended, he swore to join with David and give Saul’s kingdom to David. *** He sent messengers to David offering to help turn the nation to David. David was leery but told him he would negotiate if Abner would bring his wife Michal back to him. Abner got the support of his nation for David and brought Michal with him to meet with David. *** Abner also brought 20 of his men and met David at Hebron. David entertained them with a great feast. Abner promised to get the support of the nation and then meet again to make a covenant of peace with David. David agreed. *** Joab returned from battle with much plunder and learned that Abner had met with David and David let him leave peacefully. Abner was not happy at all. He went to David and accused Abner of tricking David with his talk of peace. *** Without David’s knowledge or consent, Joab sent messengers to Abner asking him to return to meet with him. When he did, Joab took Abner aside and stabbed him in the stomach to pay him back for killing his brother, Asahel. *** When David found out, he was very upset at Joab and accused him of killing an innocent man. He cursed Joab and his family and their generations with open sores, leprosy, crippling, death by the sword, or poverty. Then David had the nation mourn the death of Abner. He fasted and wrote a song for Abner. The people saw how David mourned and knew he had nothing to do with Abner’s death. He prayed that God would take revenge against Joab and Abishai. *** In John, it is right before the Passover celebration. People had come early to cleanse themselves so they could offer their lambs with clean hands. Jesus’ way of cleansing his disciples was to wash their feet. He told Peter that if their were clean, they only needed to wash their feet. *** What I think that means is that if you are saved then you have put your sin to death on the cross, but your daily walk is the only thing that needs washing. In our daily walk we get dirty by the things of this world. Those are the things that need to be washed off daily. *** Jesus said that Judas was not clean. He had murder in his heart and was rejecting his Savior. He had eaten of Jesus’ food - heard his teaching and yet turned against him. Still, Jesus washed Judas feet which is so powerful. It was to show that he had no ill feelings in his heart. *** Jesus finally came out and told his disciples that one of them was going to betray him. They were all confused and Peter asked him who it was. Jesus showed them plainly who it was and told Judas to leave and do his deed. The eyes of the disciples were not open to understand until later. *** Lord, may we wash our feet daily and walk with clean hands and a clean heart. Thank you for saving our soul.

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