Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Wed.’s Devo - The Betrayals of David and Jesus

Read: 2 Samuel 14:1-15:22; John 18:1-24; Palm 119:97-112; Proverbs 16:8-9 Joab saw how much Absalom wanted to see his father, David, so he arranged a woman to go to the king with a similar problem. Maybe he could see his error in someone else’s life. *** Sure enough, the woman plead for the life of her son who had killed her other son. People wanted to kill her only living heir. She begged David to make sure he was saved. David promised her her son would live. *** She then asked David why he hadn’t done the same for his own son, Absalom. David had refused to bring him home to his inheritance. David asked her if Joab had put her up to this and she told him ‘yes’. *** David sent for Joab and told him to bring Absalom back to Jerusalem, but not into his presence. *** Absalom was a true politician. He was handsome and personable. He had three sons and one beautiful daughter he named after his sister, Tamar. He was allowed to live in Jerusalem, but he wasn’t allowed to see the king. He sent for Joab to ask him to intercede for him to his father but Joab refused to come. Absalom had his servant set fire to Joab’s field and this got his attention. *** Absalom explained to Joab that he was being ignored. He was tired of living in Jerusalem and not seeing David. Joab got David to agreed to meet with Absalom. *** Absalom then began to act like a king. He bought a chariot and horses and went to the city gate and listened to the people’s requests and cases. He would tell them they had a strong case and it was too bad he wasn’t a judge. He would bring them justice. *** The people tried to bow to him but he would take them and hug them instead. He won the hearts of the people through false promises. *** After living for four years in Jerusalem, Absalom asked for permission to go to Hebron. He sent messages to all the tribal leaders trying to stir up a rebellion against King David. He told them that as soon as they heard the ram’s horn blow, they were to yell, “Absalom has been crowned king in Hebron.” He took 200 unsuspecting men with him from Jerusalem. *** A messenger came to David and told him what had happened and told him to flee at once or he would be killed. Absalom and his men were on their way to take the kingdom by force. *** David left his concubines to look after the palace and fled. Ittai was a leader from Gath and he insisted on going with David. *** In John, Jesus had just given the disciples his last words and prayed for them. It was time to cross the Kidron Valley and enter the Garden of Gethsemene. Judas knew Jesus went there often to pray so he met them with a contingent of Roman soldiers and the Temple guards. They had torches, lanterns and weapons. *** Jesus addressed them and asked who they were looking for. They said, “Jesus” and he answered, “I AM he.” They fell back to the ground. He told them to let his followers go. *** Simon Peter drew his sword and slashed off the right ear of Malchus, the servant of the high priest. Jesus told Peter to put his sword away. *** They took Jesus first to the house of Annas, the father-in-law to Caiaphas the high priest. *** Peter followed along with John. John was allowed to enter the courtyard with Jesus. Peter had to stay outside the gate. John asked the gatekeeper to let Peter in. She asked Peter if he wasn’t one of Jesus’ disciples. Peter denied it. *** Peter went over to the fire the servants had made. Inside Jesus was being interrogated. Jesus asked them why they had to arrest him in secret. They asked him about his teaching and he answered that they should ask those who came to hear him. One of the Temple guards slapped him because he had been disrespecting the high priest. *** Jesus told him to prove him wrong. *** Anna bound him and sent him to Caiaphas who was the high priest at the time. *** Jesus had nothing to fear because he had spoken truth from God. They might have thought they were in control, but Jesus knew that his Father was orchestrating the whole night. *** Lord, we can walk in that assurance that you orchestrate our lives and lead us in the way of the kingdom. When we walk in the Spirit, we need never fear the trials that come our way. They all have a purpose for the Kingdom.

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