Saturday, May 25, 2024

Sat.’s Devo - God's Promise to David

Read: 2 Samuel 7:1-8:18; John 14:15-31; Psalm 119:33-48; Proverbs 15:33 David felt guilty that he had built a mansion for himself, but the Ark of God lived in a tent. He wanted to build a Temple for God’s Presence. He shared this with Nathan and he told him to do what was in his heart. *** That night, God spoke to Nathan and reminded him that he had never asked to live in a palace. He had always traveled with the people and never wanted a permanent dwelling. *** God told Nathan to tell David how He was the one who selected David from watching sheep and put him in the position he now held. He would make his name great and provide a homeland for his people where they will be safe from all of their enemies. *** When David died, God would secure his throne forever. He would be his father and David would be his son. God would correct and discipline him as his son because of his love for him. *** Nathan went and told David all this and David humbled himself before the Lord and worshiped him as his God. He thanked God for all he had done for him and his family and for all the things he promised to do in his future. *** David defeated his enemies - the Moabites, Ammonites, Philitines, Amalekites, Edomites, and the Arameans. He killed two-thirds of the Moabites and made the other third his servants. They paid tribute to him. *** David reigned over all Israel and was just and righteous to his people. David’s sons served as priestly leaders. *** In John, Jesus said that the way to prove we love him is by obeying what he said. God would sent us another Advocate who would never leave us. He is the Holy Spirit who leads us into all truth. God would reveal himself to all who know Jesus. He would come and make his home with them. It is the Holy Spirit that teaches us about God and reminds us of Jesus’ words. *** Jesus left them and us with the gift of peace of mind and heart. So we need never be troubled or afraid. If we love him, we will be happy that Jesus went to the Father and reigns from heaven over earth. *** Jesus then told them that he was running out of time and must do what God required of him so that the whole world would know that he loved the Father. *** Lord, may we see that how we go through trials show the world that we love you. May we humbly rejoice that we can lay down our lives for you. Thank you that you defeat all our enemies. Thank you for the gift of peace and the Holy Spirit.

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