Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Wed.'s Devo - Need a Roommate?

Read Pro. 8:4-12
How many times does Proverbs tell us that wisdom is shouting to us to listen? Wisdom is no respecter of people; it is for everyone who wants it. It speaks of excellent things which in the Hebrew means "a commander as occupying the front, civil, military or religious". It will teach us how to lead our lives, our children, and our business. When we speak, what we say will prosper and come to pass because it will be God's word. We will speak from a foundation of truth so the morally wrong will be detestable to us. God can only speak righteously because he doesn't twist his truth. We will be able to understand if we choose to hear it. Wisdom is so freely offered to us and is more valuable than any monetary value we could imagine.
Verse 12 says that "I wisdom dwell with prudence." It is like wisdom is a person who lives with Prudence. Prudence in the Hebrew means, "trickery, in a good sense; discretion." To me, that means you can navigate this world of sensual, get-it-now, self-centered attitude that permeates our society with God's wisdom and still be attractive to others. The next part of the verse says, "and find out knowledge of witty inventions." I have always thought that meant that God will help you discover new inventions, which he will, but I don't think that is what this means here. The Hebrew for witty inventions is "a plan, usually evil, sometimes good". It makes me think of how Elijah would tell the king of Israel what the Philistine king was planning in his bedroom. To us that would be like God warning us of something to come that we couldn't have knowledge of any other way.
Lord, we invite Wisdom and Prudence to come and dwell with us and be our roommates.

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