Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Wed.'s Devo. - Eat What You Want to Become

Read Pro. 9:2-6
We are still on the subject of the wise woman. It says that she has killed her beast, mingled her wine, and furnished her table. I wonder if the beasts that she has killed are the sacrifice of a her reputation, her livelihood, and her very life? Are the spices she is mingling with the wine things like kindness, forgiveness, love, and long-suffering? Is the table she is funishing the Word of God, the very bread of life? What ever she is preparing she feels like it is so beneficial that she sends her maidens out to compel the simple and any who want understanding to come and dine. This meal is promised to give understanding to those who have none. Romans 14:17 says that the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. So this sacrifice is one that leads to righteousness and the wine is the wine of joy and all who choose to eat and drink of this will be at peace. David said in Ps. 22:26 that the meek shall eat and be satisfied.
If we are to be successful in bringing others in to God's table we must be eating what we are offering them. We have to eat the Word of God till we become what we eat. It is possible because those ring-streaked cattle became spotted when they looked on the spotted rods that Jacob put at the watering places. Those cattle became what they beheld when they drank, so we can too.
Lord, may we look upon you and your goodness and become like you and may we carry your torch to the dark places all around us.

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