Thursday, June 17, 2010

Thurs.'s Devo - Revere God

Read Pro. 9:7-12
If you try to give constructive criticism to someone who mocks others or someone who is not interested in the things of God then it will just come back and sting you. It is like throwing your pearls before swine. The ungodly have no desire to be righteous so your instruction will only cause their wrath to be turned on you. But, if you give instruction and teaching to a wise person who wants to learn it will be like Miracle Grow to their spirit. The key to becoming wiser is your reverence of God. The more you grow to understand God the more you will understand life and all the mysteries of this world. Only God has the power to make our lives more productive and fuller. He alone can increase our life-span. Our choices determine his decisions.
I think of the times people older and much wiser than me have tried to give me advise and I scorned it because I thought I didn't need their advice. Now I see that I did need their wisdom and things would have gone better for me if I would have listened. We learn wisdom through experience, but it is foolish of us if we don't learn from our mistakes and keep making the same ones over and over. The best advice out there is God's Word and godly counsel. God has the right answer for every situation. He even knows how to cap this oil spill.
Lord, give the engineers of our country wisdom in how to stop this oil spill and clean up the mess; you alone have the answer. We humbly ask your help and wisdom. Open our hearts to receive wisdom about every situation in our lives for we know we are yours and not our own.

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