Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Wed.'s Devo - Light vs. Dark

Read Pro. 4:1-19
I love how he starts this chapter like he is our father sitting down and having a father-son/daughter talk about life. Solomon, who wrote this was referring to his talks with his father, David. He comments of his father's love for his mother. One of the greatest things we can give our children is a love for our spouse. A good marriage gives our children stability, confidence, and security. David's advise to Solomon is to get wisdom above all things. No wonder that is what Solomon asked for when God appeared to him in 2 Ch. 1:7-11. David was right; wisdom promoted Solomon and he was one of the greatest kings ever to live. It will also promote us and be our ornament of grace and crown of glory. It will prolong our life. It will keep us on the right path and keep us from stumbling. It will give us discernment so that we will not be deceived.
Those who reject God's wisdom are bent on doing evil. They stay awake at night trying to conceive a plan that will make us fall. They eat and drink wickedness and violence. But the path of the just is illumined with God's light and it just gets brighter and brighter. The more we walk with God the easier it is to hear his voice and obey. The path of the evil gets darker and darker and they lose all direction.
Lord, thank you for the light of your Word. May it illumine our paths today.

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