Monday, May 24, 2010

Mon.'s Devo - Our Own Cisterns

Read Pro. 5:15-17
I have always thought of drinking waters out of your own cistern to be referring to enjoying your own spouse but I think it means that and more. In 2 Kings 18 the king of Assyria came up against Israel's king, Hezekiah, and threatened them. In his speech to intimidate the people to surrender he promised them that under his rule they would all eat from their own vine, and their own fig tree and drink from their own cistern. Today that would be like promising everyone a car under their garage. To own a vineyard, and your own well spoke of wealth and self-sufficiency. So in our reading today it is telling us to provide for yourself and not have to depend on the government or someone else's wealth. Be fruitful yourself. Read your Bible and know what it says so that you can live in the blessings of the Promise Land, not leaning on someone else's spirituality or blessing. When we are blessed like God wants us to be blessed then we have enough for ourselves and those around us. Then our fountains are scattered out to the world and our ministry pours out to the streets.
Lord, may we not be broken cisterns that hold no water but may we be stable and solid so that we can be filled with the living water to overflowing. May our waters water many thirsty souls.

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