Monday, May 10, 2010

Mon.'s Devo - Trust in the Lord

Read Pro. 3:5-6
In my walk with God I have come to understand that I have to trust God with my heart and obey even when it doesn't make sense. I was reading today in 1 Kings 17 where God told Elijah that there was going to be no dew or rain for the next few years. God had provided a brook where he hid Elijah and the ravens brought him food each morning and evening. When the brook dried up God told Elijah to go the the village of Zarephath where he had instructed a widow there to feed him. But, when he got there the widow was preparing her last meal for her and her son then she would be out of food. Did God forget to tell her that she was suppose to feed Elijah? And did God forget that the woman had no food? Elijah doesn't seem to stumble over this because he has learned that when God says something He has it figured out. He just told the woman to fix him something first, then themselves, and God would never let her run out of food again. She did and God did. What a lesson to not get discouraged when things don't exactly happen as you think they will.
I shared a while back about our mold in the house we are going to do a make-over in. The first mold expert came and said there was mold all up in the wall. I thought that was smart of God to document it first then do his miracle. Then the scientist came last week and said that there was no mold by the dryer at all and the mold around the windows was due to the faulty windows. So now they are planning to cut the sheet rock out around the windows and just replace that. This news is a miracle and I am praying that when they cut the sheet rock out they won't find any mold there either. Sometimes the way God does his thing is not the way we want him to but he is in control and our part is to trust him and invite him into our situations and let him direct us.
Thank you Lord that as the world gets more and more uncertain you become more and more certain.

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