Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wed. Devo - Extravagant Giving

Read Pro. 3:9-10
I've always heard that a person's lordship is tied to the generosity of their wallet. It seems distorted that we would trust a financial investor which is always a risk and balk at giving to God our tithe when we are promised a sure return. God tells us the return: storehouses full of abundance and vats bursting with new wine. This is a physical return and a spiritual one. I am not saying we should not invest in the businesses of our world but our first investment should be the kingdom of God, then he will bless our other endeavors. If we have reservations about giving to the kingdom then it reveals our lack of understanding of God. He is the generous Father who is looking for ways to bless us but he has put that key in our pocket. We turn it by being generous. I often think when I'm at Sonic or somewhere where I can give a tip that I should be as generous and extravagant to them as I would want God to be with me. It is a freeing thought because it really is the greater blessing to give than to receive. Lord, increase our opportunities to invest in your Kingdom and may we be extravagant in our giving as you have been with us.

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