Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Tues.'s Devo - Listen...it will come.

Read Prov. 1:20-33
"Wisdom cries without." When I looked up what the Hebrew word "without" meant I found that it meant "to sever or properly separate by a wall". That is the purpose of wisdom: to separate God's ways from the worlds ways. He is shouting out his ways every where we go. We can't miss it if we are looking for it. But, the people who are not looking for God's wisdom are described as silly, simple, scoffers, and fools. They love being silly and delight in speaking slander against people who don't believe like they do and hate knowledge. Wisdom cries out to these people to turn from their foolishness and turn to her. Wisdom longs to pour out its spirit on those who will listen. God is so generous and long suffering that he calls out and reaches out his hand to everyone till he finally has to pull it back and judge them for refusing his wisdom. He, who wanted to be their god will become their enemy. He will laugh at their misfortune and dread. He knows that when devastation causes them to be afraid and destruction comes like a hurricane and they are in anquish that they will finally call on him, but he will not answer. He won't answer because they refused his words before all this happened. This is the fruit of their labor. They thought they didn't need God so they will have to make it on their own.
BUT, if we do listen to wisdom and do what it tells us to do, then we will live in safety and it shall be peaceful where we live. We will not live in fear or dread. What a comfort to us in the days we are living in. Thank you Lord for not disserting us. We choose to hear and follow your wisdom.

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