Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Wed.'s Devo - Unseen Belief

Read: John 20:24-31
Thomas joins the disciples and hears that Jesus appeared to them and he missed it. They tell him that Jesus showed them his hands and his side and Thomas makes his bold statement about how he won't believe till he sees his hands and puts the hands in the prints on his side. It has been eight days since they saw Jesus and he suddenly appears in the room and says, "Thomas, because you have seen me, you believe: blessed are they that have not seen and yet have believed." I don't know how Thomas felt, but I can only imagine. Thomas' name means "twin" or "double". I think it is because we are his twin and his double. We have all asked to see before we would believe. A person receives a miracle healing and we immediately think of some way it could have happened naturally. Everything we receive from God requires unseen faith. Without faith it is impossible to please God. The whole spiritual world is invisible to our natural eyes but open to our spiritual eyes if we would just learn to open them. We all need encounters of our own and God knows that. That is why he will come to us if we ask. It might not be the way we were expecting, but it will be an encounter none the less.
I pray that we will get to the place where we don't have to see to believe then we will be truly blessed like Jesus said. Lord, open our spiritual eyes and speak to our spiritual ears. Reveal yourself to us.

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