Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Tue.'s Devo - Our Inheritance

Read Ephesians 1:13-23
After we were saved we were stamped with a secret mark by the Holy Spirit which is our proof that one day we will inherit eternal life. In the Old Testament it was the blood over the door posts, or the circumcision of the flesh. In Revelation the devil has his counterfeit mark which will be imposed on everyone if they want to be able to buy or sell. It means that you belong to him. His will be obvious and blatant. God's mark is secret and ours for the choosing. It enables us to buy gold and silver in the kingdom which is better than all the gold and silver in the world. The devil's mark will lead to eternal damnation; the mark of the Holy Spirit will lead to eternal life.
Then Paul prays one of my favorite prayers in the Bible in verses 17-23. The first thing he prays for is the spirit of wisdom and revelation in our knowledge of him. We have to have this to be able to understand this glorious book. The Bible is alive but filled with hidden meaning, types and shadows, secrets and mysteries that we need help understanding. The Holy Spirit is the teacher and can lead us into all truth. He opens the eyes to our understanding so that we can know why we were chosen and all the glorious things we have available to enable us to do our calling. When Jesus rose from the grave to receive his inheritance he was given a place higher than all the demonic powers of evil and of heaven. He is now our leader and we are now his body. Is there anything impossible to him? Is there anything impossible to us? We are one.
Lord, help us to fathom this and use it for your glory. Open the eyes of our understanding to be able to comprehend this great inheritance we have been given.

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