Saturday, May 16, 2009

Saturday's Devo - Godly Authority

Last night Dave and I went to hear Joyce Meyers. She spoke on obedience and rebellion. It reminded me of when my kids were young and God had just led me to stop home schooling (which I loved) and start teaching at our church school. I was used to being my own boss and doing what I thought was best, especially for my kids. The principal was my best friend who quickly became my enemy. She was bound and determined to do things her way. I didn't realize how rebellious I was being till years later. I endured 2 years of being under her and hating it. When the 3rd year was beginning to start I had a heart-to-heart with God. I told him my side of the story then I listened for a while. He gently helped me see that she was not the problem--- I was! That was a blow! So, I decided I needed to change. I was lost on how to do this so I asked God to help me honor her. I could tell immediately that I had prayed his heart and the change was quick. I soon realized God had given me a new perspective and a new heart to love this woman.
It wasn't until one Monday at Sonic that I realized the impact my rebellion had on my kids. Every Monday from 3-5 was Happy Hour at Sonic so we went every Monday after school. One of my boys said something dishonoring toward the principal and I took up for her. They were so shocked they said, "Mom, you're not suppose to be on her side." Now I was shocked. I realized that my rebellion had spread to them. I had taught them to disrespect authority and now I needed to reteach them. Rebellion against authority is a deep dark sin because we cannot obey God if we disobey the authority He has set up. God custom orders our authority. Sometimes it is godly and easy to follow and sometimes it is ungodly and hard to respect. But, it is always governed by God. Our reaction and respect is a choice we have to make. Choosing to obey this authority is choosing to obey God.
By the way, I not only gained God's favor but I regained the friendship I had thrown away. Today she continues to be one of my very best friends.

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