Friday, May 29, 2009

Friday's Devo - Countdown

Read 1 Chron. 2
More geneologies. I will write about the things that got my attention.
The sons of Israel were not listed in birth order but grouped in a different order. In fact everytime they are listed they seem to be in a random order....only God is not random. He is very intentional. I have no idea the significance of the order. But here is the correct birth order:
Leah had Reuben, Simeon, Levi, and Judah.
Rachels' maid, Bilhah had Dan and Napthtali.
Leah's maid, Zilpah had Gad and Asher.
Leah had Issachar and Zebulun.
Then Rachel had Joseph and Benjamin.
Verse 13 stands out because God starts counting Jesse's sons. Whenever God counts it is for a reason. God is not random. So lets look at Jesse's sons. "Jesse" means "to stand out" so let's see why Jesse stands out. Since the WOrd tells us that a day is as a thousand lets compare these sons to milleniums. His firstborn is Eliab which means " the stregnth of the father". That is what God was in the beginning, the first 1,000 years - the father of all mankind.
The next son is Abinadab which means "father of liberality or generosity". God poured out his generous blessings on his people when they obeyed him.
The 3rd son is Abinadab which means "annunciation". God sent prophets to fortell the future of God's son which would save the world.
The 4th son is Netheneel which means "given of God". In the 4th millenium God sent his son and his Holy Spirit.
The 5th son is Raddai which means "domineering; to have dominion over". Jesus taught the church that they had power over the devil. The war that had been going on for centuries could be fought and won by those who used the name of Jesus and his blood.
The 6th son is Ozem which means "to be strong". This is our generation where we are going to be strong in the spirit and we are going to win and prosper in the face of great demonic attack.
The 7th son is David which means "loving; a love token; a friend." This is what our generation is leading us to...the return of Christ. To his followers we will meet our loving saviour and friend. The love of the father and the son and the Holy Spirit will be revealed in the earth. (Also the wrath of God will be revealed)
Lord make us mindful of the time we are living in and what our goal is which is to bring the glory of God to earth. We love you.

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