Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Wed. Devo -Holy What?

Read Acts 19
Paul is passing through Ephesus and meets disciples and asks them if they have received the Holy Spirit since they believed. They didn't even know that there was a Holy Spirit. I thought that was odd till I did a word search on the word Holy Spirit in the Old Testament and it is only mentioned 3 times. The words Holy Ghost are not mentioned at all so how would they know there was a Holy Spirit. This chapter talks about 3 different baptisms: the baptism of repentence (John's baptism), the baptism into salvation (the baptism in the name of the Lord Jesus), then the baptism in the Holy Spirit which came with the laying on of hands by Paul, tongues and prophecy.
Paul was loyal to the "great commission". He always went to the Jew first (the synagoge) then to the Gentile. He ended up at Tyrannus' school where he stayed and taught for 2 years. Only this school was not a typical Bible school. He touched people's handkerchiefs and aprons and the owners were healed of diseases and evil spirits left them.
The seven sons of Sceva were chief of the priests. They wanted some of this attention Paul was getting so they tried to cast our demons in the name of Paul's Jesus. The demons knew the authority Jesus had over them and they knew that same authority that Paul had, but these 7 men had no authority to tell them where to go. So when they tried to cast out the demons, the demons turned and attacked them and cast them out of the house. This was great P.R. for the name of Jesus.
Ephesus was the most important city in the Roman province of Asia. A road 11 miles wide and lined with columns ran down through the city to the harbour where they exported goods and imported people. They believe the population was a third of a million. A single theater seated 25,000.
It was also the center of emperor cult, and had three official temples. Amazingly Paul had friends among the leaders of this cult of which many were Jews. The spread of Christianity threatened the magic cults which flourished here. (Where sin abounds, grace abounds more.) One craftsman got so upset because his prophets had suffered because of Paul that he caused a great uproar and all ran into the theater to do something about it. Once again, God spared Paul and sent Alexander to calm the crowd. Interesting...."Alexander" means "man-defender". I'm going to ask for God to send that angel when I need a defender!

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