Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Thurs. Devo - The History of Pentecost

Read Acts 2
To fully understand this chapter you have to understand a little about the feasts of God. There are 7 of them. Three of them happen in the spring: Passover, Unleavened Bread, and First Fruits. The next one happens 50 days after First Fruits which is Pentecost and the last three happen in the fall: the Feast of Trumpets, Yom Kippor, and Feast of Tabernacles. God told the Israelites to set apart these dates as holy times to consecrate themselves and offer sacrifices. They were to be rehersals for the time when God would actually fulfill them. They were to go to Jerusalem 3 times a year to celebrate these feasts. God fulfilled Passover when he sent Jesus to the cross. Jesus became the Passover lamb who was without blemish. His blood was poured out for us and if we apply that blood to the door of our hearts then the Death Angel will have no power over us and we will live eternally. On First Fruits the people were to get rid of the leaven in their house and use no yeast. Jesus was buried on this day and had to spend this day under ground preaching salvation to those that had died. He rose on First Fruits as the first fruit to rise from the dead. He brought many other fruit with him. Before he left to go to heaven he told them to wait in Jerusalem for the gift of the Holy Spirit. Passover marked the beginning of barley season where Pentecost marked the end of the barley season. The story of Ruth is the story of Pentecost. She was a Moabite who got grafted into the godly line that Jesus would come from. She is a type of the Gentile church being wed to the Jewish church. This union is what Acts is all about - And together they birth the Church. Pentecost is a picture of God espousing himself to the Church.
The first Pentecost was at Mt. Sinai where God gave Moses the law. He appeared with fire, thunder, trumpets, and shaking on the mountain. He was espousing himself to the Jewish nation. His gift was the law. Every Jewish man has to present a gift when he asks for a woman's hand in marriage. There is also a bride price that he pays. At Sinai he paid for it with his deliverance of his people from bondage. At the 2nd Pentecost the cost was his son.
So that is why all the Jews from all the different countries were in Jerusalem. They were required by law to come to Jerusalem for the feast. Little did they know God would choose this Pentecost to fulfill its purpose. Tomorrow we will talk about what happened. Lord, thank you for this wonderful gift you have given us. Prepare our hearts to receive the Holy Spirit.

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