Monday, April 27, 2009

Monday's Devo - Truth Brings Persecution

Read Acts 17
The word is a two-edged sword. When weilded it divides. That is what the truth did that Paul and Silas preached. It divided. Like Jesus teaching it brought out the worse in people. They either accepted it or completely opposed it. There didn't seem to be much middle ground. Truth brings persecution. We saw that in our nation this past week when the contestant for Miss America said she believed marriage was between a man and a woman. She caught all kind of flack even from so-called Christians. The church hasn't received much persecution because we still dance around sin. But I see a day coming when we will be forced to make statements that define sin and put us in a position for persecution. Paul was not afraid of confrontation or persecution. He seemed to attrack both everywhere he went.
When he was in Athens he argued with the Epicureans and the Stoic philosophers. The Epicureans believed the universe was the result of atomic reaction and motion. (Sounds like some of our "scientists" today.) The Stoics worshipped Reason and believed happiness came from accepting things as they are. How do you preach Jesus and resurrection to a group like this? Paul found a loop hole. They had a tomb that was inscribed, "Tomb to the Unknown God". I guess that was to cover the bases just in case there was a higher being than nature and reason. Paul used this to tell them he knew this Unknown God and in fact, He was the only God, creator of the universe and everything in it. And this powerful god wanted to live and move and exist in them. He called them to repent, turn from their sins, and turn to God. He told them that there is a judgement day coming in which everyone will judged by Jesus who God raised from the dead. Paul was doing well until he got to the part about Jesus being raised from the dead. What do reasonists and atheists do with that? Some laughed but some wanted to know more and some became believers. One of those believers was a member of the court held on Mars Hill. I have found that all who are looking for the truth find it eventually. May we take risks like Paul did and not be afraid of persecution.

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