Saturday, April 25, 2009

Saturday's Devo - Moved by Compassion

"But when Jesus saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having not shepherd." Matt.9:36
Yesterday, I was talking to a friend on the phone. She was fixing to take her daughter down town to feed the homeless. She asked me if I wanted to go and I said, "yes". I had work to do but somehow this seemed like what I should be doing. I love how God interrupts your day to bless you. The problem is most of the time I don't want to stop and shift gears. I'm so glad I let God rearrange my schedule this time.
The way this ministry got started was a couple of years ago a business man named Kelly Swan was having lunch with some of his friends down town where they work. He noticed all the homeless people walking around hungry. He asked his friends why no one had started a ministry to these people. They decided to go buy some sandwiches and bring them back and give them out. This started his ministry. Every Friday he meets at a certain parking lot and shares a mini sermon, he relates with the people and calls them by name and they love and trust him. He treats them with dignity and respect. Then he passes out sack lunches. One man came up to him afterwards and was a heroin addict. He wanted to ask Jesus into his life and change. Kelly prayed with him and got him hooked up with the John 3:26 ministry.
I had never done this outreach but was so touched. Kelly was moved by compassion like Jesus was when he saw the multitude and he stopped and taught them, healed them and fed them. That's what Kelly does. I had been thinking about helping a member of my church move this week-end. When I came home from feeding the homeless, I called her. I figured she would have relatives or other friends helping her and tell me she didn't need me, but she didn't have anyone helping her and would love my help. So here I go moved by compassion because I saw the power of some one else moved by compassion. Move us Lord!

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