Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Wed. Devo - Baptize us with Boldness

Read Acts 4
In the first two verses, look at what the religious sector got mad at Peter and John about:
1) they taught the people
2) they preached the resurrection from the dead through Jesus
The priests were the only ones who were suppose to be the teachers.
The captain of the temple was suppose to be sure no one violated the laws of the temple like false teachers. And the Sadducees did not believe in the resurrection of the dead. So everyone was offended. The problem was that the people loved what Peter and John had to say and the council could not deny this man was healed. They had known this blind man too and couldn't do anything for him. Now John and Peter healed him and had gained the heart and ear of the people.
Jealousy is a powerful evil that leads to murder. They took John and Peter and put them in a holding place to keep them silent till they could meet and decide what to do with them. Meanwhile, 5,000 people had heard the truth about Jesus and believed.
Since it was the feast of Pentecost all the high priests were in Jerusalem. The only people that Jesus attacked were the religious people. It is no coincidence that God chose this time to start pouring out his spirit and working wonders. It was an attack on the religious system of the day.
So the next day they bring Peter and John out and start their questioning. I can imagine the intimidation of speaking before all the high priests at once. But since they had been filled with the power of the Holy Spirit they were not intimidated and boldly proclaimed the gospel. Verse 13 says that the council marveled at their boldness and the fact that they were unlearned and ignorant men, but their speech portrayed that they had been with Jesus. And with the proof standing right there with them, they were defenseless. They finally decided to tell Peter and John not to talk about this anymore. (What a joke!) Peter and John thought so too and refused to be silent about the truth. So the council threatened them and let them go. Peter and John went back to their disciples and told them what the chief priests had said. They praised God and prayed for even more boldness to proclaim Jesus. God answered with shaking the place and filling everyone there with the Holy Spirit. Before Jesus died he prayed that his church would be one. They unified in heart and spirit. They brought their earthly possessions and shared with one another till noone lacked.
This is a picture of the revival God wants to bring to the church. He longs to pour out his Holy Spirit on his body so they will go out in boldness and preach Jesus, pray for the sick and give. Let it be.


Unknown said...

Your post reminds me again that it is not about us--God is at work to bring glory to His name. We diminish, even if He raises us up!

Ginny's gems said...

amen! we are chess pieces that are strategically moved by the wisdom of God to win!