Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sunday's Devo - Is the Devil Bugging You? Demand Payback!

We have termites in our kitchen wall. I noticed them about a week ago. I saw this tiny black spot on my wall and when I looked closer I realized it was a small hole. I showed it to Dave and he immediately recognized it as termites. We called the exterminators the next day and a week later they came. I guess Tulsa is being inundated and we were down on the list. Anyway, by the time they came there were about 16 holes and dead termites kept appearing on the floor. Sometimes they would fly. It got so bad that one night we sat in front of the holes with the vacuum cleaner and waited till one crawled past the opening in the hole and we would suck it up. This is a very desperate feeling watching while pests eat away at your new house. When we realized this was a losing battle we stuck putty in the holes and went to bed. Dave and I could hardly sleep that night knowing that preditors were awake eating away our walls. I monitored the wall all day the next day and finally that afternoon I saw a few that had eaten around the putty and were coming through. I took off the putty and sure enough there they were. I don't know why I thought they might have left. A friend came over to pick up her daughters prom dress I had altered and I showed our new adventure. She asked me if I sprayed the putty with bug spray. I hadn't even thought of spraying the bugs. So I went out and got our bug spray and sprayed it into the hole. Walla! I haven't seen another one since and we have a whole week till they are treating our house. I said aaaaaalllllll this to say. Why? Dave prays Ps 91 over our house and family everyday. In it there is a line that says: "no evil or plague shall come near our dwelling." Well, I call termites an evil plague. So I'm asking God, "why?"
This week we went over to a couple's house in our church that was experiencing calamity after calamity. They wanted the demons cast out and their house blessed. We went over and prayed for their house. Persecution is not a plague, it is a promise for those who carry the name of the Lord. Whatever this is I am demanding payback. What the devil has stolen from us in finances and sheetrock he has to pay back 7 fold. I'm going to be looking for it.

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