Friday, December 26, 2008

Friday's Devo - What happened to the children?

Read 1 Sam 8: 1-3
Samuel has 2 sons just like Eli, his mentor. And just like his mentor's sons Hophni and Phineas, Samuel's sons do not follow the Lord. Why is this? Samuel named his son's Joel which means "Jehovah is his God", and Abiah which means "worshipper of Jehovah". Great names with great meanings only naming them great names was not enough. He had to train them. In all his knowledge of God's word and his ability to hear God's voice; how was he so deficient in fatherhood? I guess we will never know. After all, his mentor didn't teach him well.
I was reading Ps 144 the other day and ran across this verse: "May our sons flourish in their youth like well-nurtured plants. May our daughters be like graceful pillars, carved to beautify a palace." Every time I come across a scripture I want to claim over my life I say it out loud. Believe me, this was an "out-loud" one. Having 3 sons and one daughter-in-law and one to be, I am always looking for promises for them. See, I know I made mistakes in raising my kids. I was not a perfect mom nor Dave a perfect dad; but God is, and He is able to perfect in our children in the things that need perfecting.
Yesterday was Christmas and Dave and I went to the shelter and prepared Christmas dinner for the battered women. Our ministry was more in the kitchen with the ones helping. It was a real honor and privilege to work with the ones God placed there. My son Caleb, and his girl friend Katy, in Louisiana did the same thing. I was more excited about them serving than us. They actually got interviewed and on the news!
Lord may this next generation of warriors be plants and pillars not perverted and pitiful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey, kool blog. i finely had time 2 c it!