Monday, December 29, 2008

Monday's Devo - Dust Yourself Off and Get Ready

Read 1 Sam 9
Saul is the 6th in his family line. Saul's name means "asked" which was why he became king. The people "asked" for a king. Six is the number of man. Man was created on the 6th day. So Saul was soulish. He was even taller than the other men. He was "goodly" but not "godly".
His father, Kish (which means "to set a trap") had lost his donkeys and sent Saul to find them. After traveling a good way away from home, he still hadn't found them and decided to go back home. His servant told him about a prophet that lived in the city they were in and maybe he could show them which way to go. Saul was hesitant because he didn't have a gift to give the prophet but, the servant had a 4-sided shekel he would give him. They asked some towns people where to find this prophet and, it was their lucky day; the prophet was coming to town for a special sacrifice. So they headed for the high place.
Meanwhile, Samuel had been told by God the day before that a man from the house of Benjamin would be at the sacrifice and he was to annoint this man to be the next king. On Saul's way to the sacrifice he passed Samuel and asked Samuel where the seer lived. Samuel told him he was the seer and to go up to the high place because today Saul was going to eat with him. He then told him that his donkeys he lost 3 days ago had been found. And if that didn't blow Saul's mind enough, he told him that he, Saul, was the answer to Israel's hopes. Saul argued about how he was the least, from the smallest family but since no one is insignificant to God, who cares! Saul is brought in and placed in the highest place of honor, given the best piece of meat, and he ate with the prophet. After lunch they went to Samuel's house where Samuel gave him one-on-one advice.
I love how God takes the smallest most insignificant people and overnight makes them a hero. It is sort of like American Idol. Nobody becomes Somebody. God knows just where we are and what he has prepared us for and when it is time to take us out and place us on the shelf he does it SUDDENLY! I know I have blogged about this before, but God just keeps reminding us of the same stuff. Probably, because He is fixing to do that soon.
Lord, prepare our hearts to be ready to be exposed and poured out for Your purposes.

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