Thursday, December 25, 2008

Thurs. Devo - Let it Thunder

Merry Christmas!!!
Read 1 Sam 7
The men of Kirjath-jearim took the ark to Abinadab's house. Abinadab means "a willing soldier". His son Eleazar was given the responsibility of keeping it safe. So, of course, his name means "protector, helper". The ark remained there for 20 years. God loves numbers; so much so that he named a whole book Numbers. Numbers are important because God has a purpose in them. So I looked up all the things that had to do with 20.

Jacob served in Laban's house 20 years then left
Joseph was sold to Ishmaelites for 20 pieces of silver and brought to Egypt
At 20 years of age you could start offering to God, go to war, and be counted in your family
There were 20 boards, 20 pillars, and 20 sockets on south side of the Tabernacle
22,000 Levites were counted
On the 20th day of 2nd month in 2nd year the cloud moved from Mt Sinai and they started their journey through the wilderness.
All the kings I could find came to power in their 20's

So what does that mean? I think if is a turning point, a number of accountability. In our story the ark stayed in Abinadab's house till the people decided they would give up their idols and follow God wholeheartedly. When they did God delivered them from the Philistines. He did it with thunder. Thunder is God making an announcement of change that can not be understood by the world. It confused the Philistines so bad they couldn't fight. But the Israelites could because they knew this thunder was from God and that He was bringing about a change of rulership. They were returning back to his rule. That is was is so encouraging about God, no matter how far we have gone from Him, if we return with our whole heart, He will deliver us SUDDENLY!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think your devotionals are getting better and better! Keep showing us your "duh" stuff! :)