Thursday, August 15, 2024

Thurs.’s Devo- Repentance

Read: Nehemiah 9:22-10:39; 1 Corinthians 9:19-10:13; Psalm 34:1-10; Proverbs 21:13 The leaders of the Levites continued their prayer to the Lord praising all God had done for them over the ages because they were his chosen possession. He had helped them conquer nations and possess the land he had promised them. As soon as they had peace, they because proud and turned away from the Lord. God had sent his prophets to turn them back but they refused to listen so the Lord allowed the people of the land to conquer them. But by God’s great mercy, he left a remnant of them alive. They were a part of that remnant. *** They made a promise and put it in writing and all the people agreed that they would not let their daughters or sons marry the pagan people. They would not trade on the Sabbath. They would let their land rest every seventh year and cancel all debts. They would pay the annual Temple tax to keep the Temple in operation. They would bring their allotment of wood for the sacrifices and the first fruits of all their produce. They would give their first born to the Lord. One of the priests would receive the tithes of the people and put them in the storerooms. They would not neglect the Temple of God. *** Paul defended his ministry. He had become a slave to man for the sake of the Gospel of Christ. He had followed the law when he was with the Jews and he had lived free from the law when he was with the Gentiles. He found a common ground with everyone in order to fellowship with them and share his faith. *** Paul reminded them of their ancestors who were all saved from Egypt and led through the wilderness. Christ was with them as the rock and saw all they did. Some worshiped other idols and engaged in all sorts of perversity and sin. They ended up dying in the wilderness and not entering into their promise. *** Paul warned them and us of testing the grace of God with their/our sins. Jesus knows and experienced the same temptations we do and he didn’t sin because God always gives us a way of escape and can help us endure our temptations if we let him. *** Lord, may we turn to you when tempted and allow you to show us the way out. May we choose to walk in holiness and truth.

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