Thursday, August 8, 2024

Thurs.’s Devo - The Favor Given to Ezra

Read: Ezra 7:1-8:20; 1 Corinthians 4:1-21; Psalm 30:1-12; Proverbs 20:28-30 Ezra was of the 17th generation from Aaron. He was a scribe that was well-versed in the Law of Moses. He came up to Jerusalem from Babylon with King Artexerxes’ blessing. He gave Ezra everything he asked for because God’s hand was upon him. *** Ezra arrived in Jerusalem bringing other priests, Levites, singers, gatekeepers and Temple servants. He had left Babylon on Nisan one, the first day of the new year and arrived five months later on the first day of the fifth month of Elul. He came with a copy of a letter from the king. *** The letter stated that he wanted Ezra to find out if the people of Judah and Israel were living according to the law of Moses. He was also to take silver and gold from the king’s treasure as an offering to the God of Israel. The people of Babylon could give him gold and silver also. Their donations were to go to buying animals to be sacrificed and any left over could be used however they felt was in the will of God. *** The king sent back cups that had been taken to Babylon from the Temple. The letter also stated that the provinces west of the Euphrates River were to give Ezra whatever he requested of them up to 7,500 pounds of silver, 500 bushels of wheat, 550 gallons of wine, 550 gallons of olive oil, and an unlimited amount of salt. He also commanded that all the priests, Levites, singers, gatekeepers, Temple servants and any other worker in the Temple were tax exempt. *** Ezra was given the authority to appoint magistrates and judges who knew the law of God to govern the people west of the Euphrates River and to teach them the law. Anyone who refused to obey it would be punishable by death, banishment, confiscation of goods, or imprisonment. *** Ezra praised the Lord for the favor he had been given. He listed all the family leaders who were going with Ezra back to Jerusalem and found that there were no Levites on the list. So he sent messages to some of the Levite families to ask for volunteers to return. Sherebiah, Hashabiah and Jeshaiah offered to come and brought their families. They totaled 220. *** In the New Testament, Paul continued his letter to Corinth. He explained that Apollos and him were mere servants of Christ whose job was to explain the mysteries of God. Paul even said that he didn’t always trust his own judgment or believe he was always right. But, God was his judge. They should wait and let God judge everything when He returns. Then every secret motive will be revealed. He will reward and judge. *** The people had been led astray by teachers who lived in great abundance and taught abundance. Paul and Apollos had paid the price for what they believed and were still paying the price. Paul said that the Kingdom of God is not just a lot of talk but living by God’s power. *** Lord, may we live by your power and not worry about what others think of us. May your Kingdom come!

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