Monday, August 26, 2024

Mon.’s Devo - Maturing Through Our Trials

Read: Job 20:1-22:30; 2 Corinthians 1:1-11; Psalm 40:11-17; Proverbs 22:2-4 Zophar takes another turn. He feels compelled to reply to Job’s words. He believed that those who became wealthy while living as sinners will lose it all one day like what happened to Job. Then all their goods would be consumed, revealing their guilt and sin. *** Job asks if that’s the best consolation Zophar can come up with. He has something to say and then they can continue mocking him again. From his observation, the rich live great lives and die heroes. It would not be fair to punish their children for something they did. The rich and the poor both die and return to dust. Many rich are never judged on this side of heaven. *** Eliphaz speaks again and asks if a person can actually help God. What good does it do for the Lord if you are righteous? Then he says that Job’s pride got him in his predicament. He is not buying that Job is righteous. He tells him there is not limit to his sins. *** Then Eliphaz gives a list of sins he must have committed. They are nothing short of slander. He pretty much says that Job has no fear of God. His advice to Job is to submit himself to the Lord and then he will have peace and things will turn around for him. Then his life would become a testimony and a help to others. That might be great advice for someone who had done the things he accused Job of but Job had done none of them. He was innocent before God. *** Paul writes his second letter to the church in Corinth. He speaks of the comfort God gives us in persecution and trials. We fellowship with Christ in our sufferings because he suffered for us. *** Paul and his team suffered greatly in Asia and thought they wouldn’t make it out alive, but in the midst of it they trusted in God completely and he delivered them out of danger. They learned that God can rescue them from anything. Through it their faith grew greatly. *** Lord, may we use every opportunity as a stepping stone to faith and growth in you. Thank you for all the times your have delivered, healed, saved and comforted us in our trials. We know that you will bring us through what is up ahead.

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