Friday, August 30, 2024

Fri.’s Devo - God’s Mercy and Goodness

Read: Job 34:1-36:33; 2 Corinthians 4:1-12; Psalm 44:1-8; Proverbs 22:10-12 Elihu is still talking. His whole purpose is to defend God and his justice and power and that God does hear the cry of the oppressed. He insinuates that Job needs to repent and tell God he won’t sin anymore. He accuses Job of rejecting God and wanting God to tailor his justice to Job’s demands. He thinks Job deserves the maximum penalty for the way he has talked. He accuses Job of being rebellious and disrespectful to God. *** Elihu argues that it is wrong for Job to claim he is righteous before God. He claims that our sins have no effect on God but they do have affect on other people. *** He states that when the oppressed complain when God doesn’t answer them the reason is their pride. He does listen and will bring justice in time. He is concerned about wickedness and does respond to them in anger. He will bring justice to the afflicted and exalt the innocent. *** Those who are being punished because of their pride God commands that they turn from evil. When they do, He blesses them with prosperity, but if they don’t they will face death. He encourages Job that God is leading him away from this place of destress and will set his table with the best food. Job is obsessed with whether the godless will be judged, but Elihu tells Job not to worry about them. God’s justice will be upheld. *** All of this testing will keep him from a life of evil. Instead of wondering what he had done wrong he needs to glorify and praise God for all He has done. *** In Corinthians, Paul has to defend his beliefs also. He reminds them of the new covenant which brought God’s mercy. The good news is hidden behind a veil so those on the outside can’t see the glorious light on the other side. *** Paul didn’t go around exalting himself, but as Christ’s servant he preached about Jesus Christ as their Lord. God in his mercy allowed them to see behind the veil into the light of God through the face of Jesus Christ. Now that light shines in their hearts. *** Paul said that they face the threat of death every day but it will result in eternal live and the life of Christ will be evident in their dying bodies. *** Lord, we are the light of the world just as you were the light of the world. May your light shine though us to those we meet today. May we bring hope and peace to those who are distressed and afraid. You are the one who gives us victory over our enemies.

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