Sunday, August 11, 2024

Sun.’s Devo - Building the Wall

Read: Nehemiah 1:1-3:14; 1 Corinthians 7:1-24; Psalm 31:19-24; Proverbs 21:4 Nehemiah was the cup bearer to King Artexerxes. His name means “God comforts”. *** Nehemiah was a devout Jew who learned from some of the Jews who had returned from the province of Judah that Judah was in trouble. Her wall had been torn down and the gates had been burned by fire. Nehemiah was devastated. He fasted and prayed for months. *** By the spring, in the month of Passover, Nehemiah could no longer hide his concern. The king asked him why he was so sad and he told him about Jerusalem. When the king asked how he could help, Nehemiah asked if he could go and rebuild the city. The king asked him how long he would be gone and we are not told his response but he ended up being gone 12 years. The king gave him permission as well as letters and an army escort. *** When he came to the governors of the province he delivered the king’s letters to them. Sanballat and Tobia were officials who were upset that someone had arrived to help the Jews. *** Nehemiah went straight to Jerusalem by night and examined the walls and the gates. He then went to the city officials and told them why he was there. The officials were willing to get to work, but Sanballat and Tobia tried to stir up trouble for them. Nehemiah told Sanballat and Tobia that God would help them succeed and they had no share, legal right or historic claim in Jerusalem. *** Eliashib, the high priest led with example and along with the priests. They began rebuilding their part of the wall. People built what was near them. Some refused to work with the construction supervisors, others had great attitudes and did whatever needed to be done. Some worked with their daughters. They rebuilt the wall and set up the gates with bolts and bars. *** In the church in Corinth, sexual sin was rampant. Paul told them they should each have one spouse and that was enough. Paul, himself was single and satisfied so they should be satisfied with one wife or one husband. He told the husbands not to leave their wives and vice versa. Even if the spouse is an unbeliever if they agree to stay married, then they should stay with them. The believing spouse brings holiness into the marriage which will spill over to the children. But, if the unbelieving spouse wants to leave then they should be allowed to leave. If they choose to stay then there is a great possibility they may be saved also. *** He encouraged them to continue to live in whatever situation the Lord placed them in because it was the Lord who called them. *** What a great word for us. Our lives are our testimony of Christ and we are called to take up our cross and follow him. He didn’t say it would be easy. In fact, he told us to fellowship with him in our sufferings as he fellowshipped with his Father in his. *** Lord, we are grateful for our lives and the fact that you know us and where we are. Help us to fellowship with you in the midst of our sufferings and use it to further your gospel of love.

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