Friday, August 9, 2024

Fri.’s Devo - True Repentance

Read: Ezra 8:21-9:15; 1 Corinthians 5:1-13; Psalm 31:1-8; Proverbs 21:1-2 Ezra was asked to lead this great exodus of exile from Babylon to Jerusalem and to carry millions of dollars worth of silver and gold. He had the people fast and pray for a safe journey because he was ashamed to ask the king to send soldiers with them to protect them. He had to put his trust in the Lord to keep them safe. They would be traveling through areas known for attacking people and robbing them. *** Ezra appointed 12 leaders of the priests to be in charge of transporting all the silver and gold and precious objects. They were to present them to the priests as the Temple and have them weigh them again. *** They left on the 12th day of Nisan and arrived safely. The priests then took the treasures to the Temple and presented them to the priests there. When they were weighed, nothing had been stolen or lost. The new exile sacrifices burnt offerings to the God of Israel. *** Some of the Jewish leaders came to Ezra and explained to him that the people in Jerusalem had intermarried with the people of the land and had taken up their evil practices of idolatry. Ezra was shocked that this could happen and tore his clothes, pulled hair from his head and beard. All who feared the Lord came and sat with him. *** Ezra got on his knees and prayed and interceded for the people and their sins. He prayed a very humble prayer of sorrow and repentance. *** In First Corinthians Paul was just as sad when he learned of the sexual immorality going on in the church in Corinth. A man in the church was living in sin with his step-mother. The church was proud instead of repentant and shamed. Paul told them instead of having grace for this man he should be removed from their fellowship. *** Paul told them to have a meeting and then throw the man out and hand him over to Satan so that his sinful nature would be destroyed and he himself would be saved on the day the Lord returns. *** To let this man stay would allow others to do the same thing. It would corrupt the whole church. Paul had written to them telling them not to associate with people who indulge in sexual sin while claiming to be a believer. The job of our leaders in the church is to judge the church, not the world. God will judge them. *** Lord, may we examine our hearts and purify ourselves. May we get rid of all the things that tempt us to defile our temples. May we choose holiness and purity for your glory.

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