Saturday, August 24, 2024

Sat.’s Devo - The Resurrection

Read: Job 12:1-15:35; 1 Corinthians 15:29-58; Psalm 39:1-13; Proverbs 21:30-31 Job admonished his friends for acting like they knew it all. Job accuses them of laughing at him because he called on God and expected to hear from him. *** Job went on to say that even nature understood that disaster comes from the hand of God from time to time. God’s wisdom is what stands. God is the one who reveals mysteries and rules over nations. *** Job would love to present his case before God. He would ask him to remove his heavy hand from him and not to terrify him with his awesome presence. He wants to know what he has done wrong and for God to show him his rebellion and sin. *** Job wishes to die but he also hopes in a resurrection. He longs for God to cover his guilt. *** Eliphaz tells Job he is full of empty talk and accuses him of having no fear of God. He asks him if he thinks he has a monopoly on wisdom. He thinks Jobs questions mean he has turned against God. He reminds Job of wealthy rulers who lost it all because of their sins. *** In Corinthians, Paul talks about the resurrection. The resurrection is the very reason they risk their lives telling people about Christ. *** Even nature proves the resurrection. The bodies in the heavens don’t die but continually shine. They are a picture of our resurrected bodies. We die in weakness but will be raised in strength. We who are now natural bodies will one day be raised as spiritual bodies. It is just like Adam who was the first man. He had a natural body that died. But the second Adam, Jesus came from heaven and was raised a spiritual being. *** When the time comes and the last trumpet blows, our bodies will transform into our heavenly body. Death will be swallowed up in victory like Isaiah said in Isaiah 25:8. The law caused death, but the Spirit gives life. This should cause us to want to live enthusiastically for the Lord because nothing we do for the Lord is ever useless. *** Lord, may we live with eternity in the forefront of our minds. Thank you for the promise of our resurrection.

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