Friday, August 2, 2024

Fri.’s Devo - Hezekiah’s Victory and Manasseh’s Defeat

Read: 2 Chronicles 32:1-33:13; Romans 15:23-16:9; Psalm 25:16-22; Proverbs 20:16-18 Hezekiah followed the Lord whole-heartedly. King Sennacherib of Assyria invaded Judah and tried to break through the walls of the fortified towns. He was headed to Jerusalem, so Hezekiah had his officials stop the springs outside the city so the Assyrian army wouldn’t have any water. He repaired all the weak places in his walls and fortified his defenses. *** Hezekiah put the city under military law and had them meet at the city square. He told the people to be strong and not afraid because the Assyrians might have a mighty army but they were mere humans. They were protected by the Lord and heaven’s army. *** Senecherib sent a message to Hezekiah saying that his God could not stand against him and his army. No other nation’s gods could stop them when they attacked so why should they think their God could stop them. They mocked the people standing on the wall and they spoke in Hebrew so they could understand what they were saying. They were trying to intimidate them so it would be easy to take the city. *** Hezekiah and Isaiah prayed and the Lord sent one angel who destroyed the whole Assyrian army and Sennacherib was forced to return how in disgrace. He was killed by his own sons when he entered into the temple of his god. *** Hezekiah amassed great wealth and honor. Many nations gave gifts to the Lord and to him. Ambassadors from Babylon came to hear from him about his victory over the Assyrians. It was a test that Hezekiah failed. In his pride, he showed them all his kingdom. In the Kings it said that God sent a prophet to tell him that since he showed them everything he had it would all end up being theirs one day. *** Manasseh his son became the next king when he died. Manasseh was only 12 when he became king and must have had some wicked advisors because as much as Hezekiah followed the Lord, Manasseh followed false gods. He did the most evil things and built pagan altars all over the land. He practiced every kind of evil which lead to the takeover of the land by the Assyrians. He was led to Babylon by a ring in his nose. *** In Babylon, Manasseh ended up repenting and praying to the Lord. God forgave him and eventually gave him back his kingdom. Then Manasseh realized there was only one God - Jehovah! *** In Romans, Paul is finished with his journey to the towns he wanted to visit. He is now excited about coming to Rome to visit the church there. First, he has to stop by Jerusalem to give them the gift the people had given to help those in need there. The persecution was the greatest in Jerusalem and Paul had raised money for them in his travels. *** Paul asks for their prayers as he travels there. In the meantime, he is sending Phoebe and asks them to receive her with love and hospitality. He sends his love to Priscilla and Aquila who worked with him in the ministry. *** He also tells them of Epenetus who was his first convert in Asia and gives more of his fellow workers names that he wants them to welcome with hospitality. *** Lord we honor you as the King and Lord, but help us to also honor our leaders and those who have labored in the Lord.

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