Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Wed.’s Devo - Solomon’s Prayer

Read 1 Kings 4; Ps. 72; Ps. 127
Solomon’s kingdom was a well-oiled machine. He had organization skills like no other. The people who lived in his kingdom were content and had plenty to eat and drink. It was a kingdom of peace and safety. Each family had their own home and garden. There was no poverty. The government had plenty of money and provisions to run properly and efficiently. This is what we have to look forward to.
The prayer the king prayed for his people is the prayer that Jesus prays for us. He prayed that the people would be treated fairly and be prosperous. He prayed for their souls that they would always fear God. He prayed that his rule would be refreshing to his people, that the poor would be rescued when they cried for help and that there would be abundant grain throughout his land. He wanted his people to thrive and be devoted to him as their king.
Solomon knew in all his building that if God wasn’t the one building the house, it would be in vain. Unless God protected his city, it was useless to have the strongest army. And, it is useless to work so hard when God gives rest to his children. Speaking of children…they are a reward from God. I want to interject that children come in all forms and sometimes they are not blood children. Your children include all the people God has placed under your mentorship and influence. You are blessed if your quiver is full of them.
Lord, build your city in our hearts and restore our nation to righteousness. Please give us a man whom you have ordained to be our next president and give us rest.

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