Friday, May 27, 2016

Fri.’s Devo - The Wayward Heart

Read: Proverbs 5-7
If you or anyone else you know is unhappy at home they need to read today’s reading. It should wake them up and set them back on the right path. Movies and TV are full of promiscuous relationships that look normal and okay but the movie always ends before you get to see how it really plays out over time. Sin always leads to death. Even though this topic seems to be addressed to men, women are just as vulnerable as men in this area. It doesn’t tell what happens to the seductress but I would have to say the same result.
For those who have no intention of being a seductress or having an affair lets take this a little deeper. Our real husband is Jesus and we are to keep our hearts pure toward him. We can be just as guilty of looking for things to occupy our time and minds that are against our husband, Jesus. We can run after youth, material things, houses, wealth, glory and fame and be just as guilty of spiritual adultery which is worse.
Lets look at the six things the Lord hates.
1. Haughty eyes. Have we ever thought we were better than someone else or that we deserved to be elevated instead of them?
2. A lying tongue. Have we every told a little white lie to make ourselves look better or so we could get out of trouble?
3. Hands that kill the innocent. Have we ever talked against people we don’t even know because we disagreed with their walk?
4. A heart that plots evil. Have we ever wanted someone to fall because we thought they deserved to?
5. Feet that race to do wrong. Have we ever jumped to conclusions and lashed out in anger?
6. A false witness who pours out lies. Have we ever heard a piece of news without hearing the other side and spread our opinion?
7. A person who sows discord in a family. Have we ever been hurt by someone in our family and tried to get another family member to side with us?
Maybe these are bad examples and maybe we haven’t done all of these but I bet if we are honest there is at least one of them we can fess up to. I have to say that I have done all of them at one time or another. James 2:10 says that if we offend in one point we are guilty of all. The good news is that this is why Jesus came - to cleanse us and forgive us. So we need to do what todays’ reading says and treasure God’s commands, obey them and write them deep within our hearts.
Lord, help us to love wisdom more than ourselves. Help us to give you our whole heart.

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