Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Tues.’s Devo - Remember and Pass it On

Read: Ps. 75-78
Each generation has to decide for itself if it will follow God. It is the responsibility of the parents to pass down the teachings of God to their children and grand children so that they will set their hope anew on God. He is a personal God. That is why the story of Israel’s deliverance is told so many times in the Bible. It was so that they would remember what God had done for them and believe God and trust him.
The children of Israel would witness God do a mighty miracle like water gushing out of a rock when they had no water, but they couldn’t believe the next time they had a need. They couldn’t believe that God could actually feed them. God sent food from heaven to prove to them how He would provide their every need. It is easy to look at the children of Israel and point the finger but I find myself doing the same thing sometimes. God will do an awesome thing for me and I know it is a miracle but the next trouble I come to makes me stumble. I don’t want to be like the children of Israel who refused to trust the Lord. That is why it is good to remember what God has done.
Yesterday, Dave and I were talking about all the things that had happened since our 40-day fast. All Dave saw was the obstacles that we had had to face. I reminded him of the blessings that had come also and he thanked me. He needed to be reminded. I needed to remind myself. God does care for us with a true heart and leads us with skillful hands. He knows just what is needed and has already provided it.
Lord, remind us of your goodness and all the things you have done for us. We choose to trust you.

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