Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Wed.’s Devo - Coming into Our Destiny

Read: 1 Chron. 29; 1 Kings 1
David told his leaders that Solomon would be his successor and that the job of building the temple would be enormous. David had seen the blueprints and knew the wealth it would take to build it. He set the bar and gave all his own treasury to build it, then he asked his leaders to give offerings also. David led by example.
They all gave and had a huge celebration where Solomon was crowned king and Zadok was anointed the priest. Be sure that if God is promoting you, the devil will be right behind him trying to steal that promotion. Adonijah was Satan’s man for Solomon. He was his younger brother who thought he should be king. He self-appointed himself as king and stole some of David’s officers for himself. He was found out and told to David so David had to step in and assure Solomon’s kingship.
David did it right. He took Solomon to Gihon Springs where the kings were anointed and anointed him king in front of all the people. They celebrated and sounded the shofar and announced that Solomon was king. Adonijah heard the sound and ran. He deserved death but Solomon was a king of peace so he sent him home.
This is our next lesson to learn in being exalted to our destiny. The devil will try to take it from us. We have to know who we are and what God said. Bathsheba and Zadok went to the king on Solomon’s behalf and their own. Their lives were at stake also. Us getting to our destiny affects the whole kingdom and especially those around us.
Lord, let us not lose heart when oppositions come because we know we are on the brink of a breakthrough. Help us to persevere.

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