Monday, May 2, 2016

Mon’s Devo - The Tabernacle of David

Read: 1 Chon. 23-25
Friday, we read about David’s last battle and how he almost got killed. His first battle was with the giant, Goliath and his last battle was with the giant, Ishbibenob. This time, David needed the help of Zeruian to rescue him from the giant. From this time on, they wouldn’t let David go back into battle. He spent his time preparing for Solomon to build the temple. Then, he set Solomon as king and was able to watch how he governed. What a blessing to be able to see your children step into their destiny.
Today we see David setting up the priestly order. This new way of worship was different than they had ever seen. He appointed the three clans of Levite to do different jobs in the tabernacle. The clans were Gershom, Kohath, and Merari. Twenty-four thousand were to supervise the work at the Temple, 6,000 were to serve as officials and judges, 4,000 were to work as gatekeepers, and 4,000 were to praise the Lord with musical instruments. When they served was all decided by lot so that no one group was favored over the others. Every office was important and as a result, praise filled the temple 24/7. God has been restoring this kind of worship in our lifetime. Prayer houses are springing up across our nation and the world where there is 24/7 live praise and worship. It is organized but free to let the Holy Spirit speak. It is very refreshing to walk into one of these houses of prayer and bask in the presence of God.
Today we read many names which are easy to skip over. It reminds me of a large high school graduation. The names aren’t important unless you know one of them or you are one of them and then that name is extremely important.
Lord, help us to find our place in your temple worship and may we worship and praise you 24/7! May your praises continually be in our mouth.

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