Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Wed.’s Devo - The Riches of the Kingdom

Read Luke 20:41 - 21:6 After the scribes and Pharisees had asked him questions to trap him and couldn’t, Jesus asked them a question: “How can you say that Christ is David’s son?” (Apparently they believed that the Christ would be David’s son.) Jesus explained that David wrote in his Psalms, “The Lord said unto my Lord, sit upon my right hand, till I make your enemies your footstool.” So, if David called him Lord how can he be his son too? Of course Jesus wasn’t asking this question for an answer but only to get them to reexamine what they were teaching. Then Jesus turned to the crowd and told them to beware of the scribes that love their authority and symbols of authority because they want to look religious on the outside when their hearts are far from God and justice. All their righteous acts will only get them a greater damnation. He rebuked them for wanting to be esteemed important in the eyes of man but robbing widows of their inheritance and praying long repetitive prayers. Then Jesus illustrated how God looks at all these things. There was a rich man bringing his gift to the synagogue. He gave his gift so all could see is generosity and his wealth. After him came a poor widow who only had 2 mites to give. Jesus explains to them that she gave more in the sight of God than the rich man because she gave all she had and he had all and gave a little of it. The Bible tells us over and over that the true riches are the gifts of the spirit but we can’t seem to believe it because we still pursue riches. Lord, help us to go hard after the true riches of the kingdom which are righteousness, peace and joy.

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